Showing posts with label Dietetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dietetics. Show all posts

30 May 2018

Food and Nutrition – Bursting Myths

1: Bananas makes you fat
Bananas give you calories as much as a pear! It is a concentrated source of minerals and vitamins and contains a carbohydrate called “Resistant Starch” (RS), which helps in weight loss.

2: Comfort food helps you chase away blues
A pizza on delivery? Street chaat? Or a bowl of Mac and Cheese? While you are down, comfort food just makes you feel better doesn’t it?

In a recent study on Health Psychology, a bunch of people were shown a depressing movie to make them feel negative. Then they were given their comfort food, no food or food not considered to be comfort food. And they all recovered in equal amount of time. So, eating comfort food is no more and excuse to chase blues. Moreover, these foods all contain refined flour which gives glucose spikes with no healthy nutrient as such.

3: Choose a Multigrain/Wheat bread over White bread
Wheat bread – white bread with caramel/molasses
Multigrain bread- refined grains mixed together
Always look for ‘100% multigrain’ label on the pack.

4: Rock salt is healthier than Table salt
Rock salt and table salt have the same amount of sodium in a tablespoon. Rock salt has other minerals and magnesium which exist in trace amounts. And table salt has iodine. This is very essential in your wholesome diet, as deficiency of iodine can lead to a condition of Hypothyroidism. You could have the best of both instead of giving up on table salt.

5: You need to give up on carbs to lose weight
Nutritionists say that banning carbs from your diet is not necessary. It’s is about having the right portion. According to experts, carbs should take up ¼ of the portion of the meal; it is responsible for giving exclusive energy. In absence of carbs, the energy providing function is done by proteins and fats thereby creating a situation in which an accountant is used to design a building!

2 February 2018

Why you should shape your career in the field of Nutrition ?

When it comes to India being considered as a major super power among the global economies, it largely rests on how employable and prosper are the residents of this nation. We being a youth economy where 65% of occupants are in working age group, it is highly significant that we empower this demography and it can only be done with Skill Development. Skill Development in laymen terms refers to enhancing a person’s technical expertise and practical delivery of work to make him employable and productive. Vlcc Institute of Beauty & Nutrition in an effort to contribute to this mission have played a pivotal role in Beauty & Wellness training space.

One particular category, which has shown tremendous growth and demand in last few years, is definitely Nutrition. Diploma in Nutrition refers to understanding the role of diet play and nutrition in maintaining health. With increasing demand among varied age groups towards living a healthy and fit lifestyle, the demand for specialist in Nutrition and Diet across hospitals and wellness centers have grown multifold. To balance this demand, VLCC Institute offers Diploma and Certificate courses in regular class room programs and also has certificate courses in Distance Learning programs, in varied categories like Nutrition & Dietetics, Clinical Nutrition, Sports and Fitness Nutrition, Child care Nutrition and Weight management and Slimming Therapies, incorporating comprehensive in depth knowledge in Nutrition Sciences, Food Science, Basic and Advance Anatomy & Physiology, Dietetics, Community and Therapeutic Nutrition.

The courses duration are 3 months, 6 months and 1 year for different course categories. Our regular courses have internship programme following the course to allow our students ‘on the job’ training to make them industry ready in all aspects. We also have an affiliation with Indira Gandhi National Open University’s DNHE programme, wherein VLCC gives complete and easy execution with the entire 1 year study with respect to assignments and project submission. We also have various workshops wherein we keep updating the students on relevant topics like Fad Diets, Child care Nutrition, Functional Foods, Fat Burners etc. The assessment process is simple and student friendly online exam.

Our courses offers varied career choices of working as Clinical Dietician, Nutrition Management Consultant in hospitals, wellness centers, gyms, hospitals, nursing home, spa or health . One can run their own private practices, work as an online/app based diet consultant or as a blogger. One can also work in media or journalism and in Neutraceutical Company, which manufactures supplements and supplement based food products, which is currently a booming market.
Our courses are not gender specific, has no age limits and classes conducted at convenient hours.

23 October 2017

Think Fat Loss, Not Weight Loss

Losing fat is not the same as losing weight. After reading this post, you will understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss, which one you should aim for and how.

Weight loss has almost always been one of the hottest topics in the world of Health and Fitness. Everyone seems to be trying to lose weight nowadays. But what’s the difference between weight loss & fat loss?

It seems to me that many people confuse the two terms and they believe that they are one and the same. People often use both terms interchangeably. When in reality weight loss and fat loss are very different from one another.

Weight loss = Muscle Loss + Fat Loss + Water Loss
Fat Loss = Reduction in stored body fat

You can lose weight by crash dieting and improper training.
You can lose fat with correct nutrition and strength training.

Weight Loss decreases fitness level.
Fat Loss improves fitness level.

Weight Loss reduces strength.
Fat Loss increases strength.

Weight Loss deteriorates performance.
Fat Loss enhances performance.

Weight Loss reduces immunity.
Fat Loss reduces the risk of diseases.

Weight Loss makes you look old.
Fat Loss makes you look young.

Weight Loss makes you look unattractive and weak.
Fat Loss makes you look sexy and strong.

Focus on Fat Loss, Not on Weight Loss.

Formula to Burn Fat Efficiently
Fat Loss = Strength Training + Cardio + Healthy Eating + At Least 8 Hours of Sleep + Stress Management

Even If You Are Not Losing Weight, You Can Be on The Right Track.

It will look like you are not making progress because your body-weight does not change. But in fact, you are doing great thing to your body because you are losing fat and building muscles at the same time.

How to Know If You Are Making Good Progress
Do not just depend on the weight scale. If you are losing fat through strength training, you will find that your body has started looking more attractive than before. You will feel lighter, energetic and fresh than ever. You will see that your body is getting into the shape you have ever desired